Bazi & Feng Shui Stories of Singapore

27 November 2017

House Friendly Simplified Move in Procedures

Preparations - Bring with you the below items House owners / items Prep List: 厨神七宝 “ 柴米油盐酱醋茶 ”   The 7 Treasures of Kitc... thumbnail 1 summary

Preparations - Bring with you the below items
House owners / items Prep List:

  1. 厨神七宝柴米油盐酱醋茶  The 7 Treasures of Kitchen God 
A box of matchsticks 
A pack of rice (cooked or uncooked does not matter)
A bottle of cooking oil
A pack of salt
A bottle of sweet sauce (甜甜蜜蜜 sweetness symbolises happiness, harmony, intimacy)
A bottle of vinegar (white or black does not matter)
A box of tea bags or tea leaves

Optional: Tie red ribbon around the items as red symbolises good luck, good start, positive energy. If you are short of time, you can also paste red dot coding stickers commonly found in stationery shops on the items. The bigger the better. 

2) 磁场能量净化 Energy Cleansing 
A bundle of Sage leaves or Palo Santo wood for energy cleansing. 

Why? To discharge negative energy of house occupants prior to entering new house and also to discharge stagnant energy left behind in the physical space due to prolonged emptiness or previous occupants’ residual energy

3) 旺旺凤梨 A Pineapple 

Why? Pineapple is regarded as a traditional lucky fruit as Chinese Hokkien pronounced it as “Ong Lai (旺来) and used (ancestors praying or simply eaten) in many traditional activities. Rolling it later for the ushering in auspicious wealth energy “Huat” purposes. 

4) 糖果 A pack of candies 

6) Everyone entering the house on the day: Have a red packet ready in pocket with 8 bucks inside. 

7) 阳宅习俗完成 电热水壶 Electric Kettle - Boil first pot of water in new house
Signify completion and assuming ownership of living space

8) 择日入宅 An auspicious day for move in ceremony 
Important: Choose an auspicious day or/and hour for day for move in ceremony 
Why?: A long tradition of Chinese to start right. The beginning of every activity and decision is considered important for the Chinese. The birthday of babies are also regarded as significant. Chinese held the beliefs that a good start will ensure a successful and smoother journey with less obstacles.

On chosen date to perform moving in ceremony
  1. Smudge yourselves and the perimeters of the door prior to stepping into the house
  2. Open the door and “roll” the pineapple into the house from the entrance. Just leave the pineapple there until the ceremony is completed. 
  3. Hand-carry the 7 treasures into the house. Go to the kitchen and lay it out on the counter. Or you can also place it on the floor of the living room.
  4. Open all windows, switch on all the lamps and run the taps for a minute or two. This is to create the new circulation of energy in the house. 
  5. Boil a kettle of water in the kitchen. While waiting for the kettle to boil proceed to next step.
  6. Now you will smudge the interior of the house with remaining sage, frankincense or palo santo. Pay attention to the 4 corners and smudge till the energy is lighter. While smudging, say auspicious things e.g. I am (NameXXX), I give thanks to the abundance energy, i am moving in now. Huat ah! Say all the nice things to yourself. 
  7. After the water is boiled. The ceremony is complete. The infusion of new owner energy is completed. 
  8. You can now close all the windows, switch off all the lights, check that the stove is safely switched off. 
  9. You can remove the pineapple now or the next day. Just throw it away in a bin. 

Things to take note of:

新房入宅禁忌~ On day itself of moving ceremony

1 Cannot go in empty handed. All can bring money in.
2 Do not bring sharp objects in.

3 Do not argue with anyone or scold people or break stuff. 

Fengshui Care Service 3 - Handy Contacts Singapore

Finally, we will like to include some quick links for you in this email which you may find handy .. and short of helping hands! 24... thumbnail 1 summary
Finally, we will like to include some quick links for you in this email which you may find handy .. and short of helping hands!

Fengshui Care Service 2 - 60 secs Good Luck Tips on 开门 First Footing Day!

In addition, you may like to know there are some simple lucky tips which our forebears had observed during moving:   Opening Door ... thumbnail 1 summary
In addition, you may like to know there are some simple lucky tips which our forebears had observed during moving: 

Opening Door - When you had first received your keys and opening door to you new house for the first time, take heed not to bring sharp things with you into new house for the first time. Instead fill your pockets with some money, lucky objects e.g. lucky wealth crystals, Ang Pows, candies etc. This is a good start to signify that the house will always receive abundance and harmony. 

3 knocks on the door before entrance - Some clients do this and I thought it can be justified. Knock on wood is a common practice to neutralise some malevolent outbursts or thoughts, i am sure you have seen people doing it before. Now, most doors are made of wood; 3 in Chinese HeTu numbers is a yang ()  number and a wood element. So when you knock 3 times on the door before entrance, it has a symbolic meaning of neutralising stagnant energies and bringing some vital Yang Chi into your new place. So it depends on various culture, but no harm doing it. 

Do not scold your kids or your spouse in public - No matter how stressful and annoying they are, smile at everyone and new neighbours on moving day. It is like observing Chinese New Year. 

Fengshui Care Service 1 - How to move house like a Pro!

A little planning goes a long way ... Get rid excess clutter: Moving house is a great time to get rid of things you do not ... thumbnail 1 summary

A little planning goes a long way ...

Get rid excess clutter: Moving house is a great time to get rid of things you do not need anymore. Move less stuff in between places is definitely less stressful! A week or two prior to the actual move, it will be wise to categorise your stuff into e.g. 4 piles: SELL OR DONATE. RECYCLE. KEEP. TRASH. Moving less stuff can potnetially save you on mover bills too! 

Start collecting boxes: Of course the movers will provide a certain quantity of boxes which you will need to return pretty soon after utilising those. However it is always good to have a few spare boxes and ready which you do not need to immediately unpack after moving in! 

Label the boxes according to category or room: Have a clear plan. You can choose to label the boxes according to a category or which rooms do the boxes go to at the new place. However, it is good to also get some label stickers to colour code the boxes too. It will make things so much easier! If you have the time, also prepare a rough list of the contents to stick outside of each box prior to sealing it. As during moving, inevitability things will get lost in transition. If you had written the contents down, it can minimise these losses. 

Unpacking - Prepare a bright colour bag of miscellaneous but can potentially save lots of hassle and stress: 

  • Electric tape of assorted colours
  • A few strong sticky clear tape, both wide and small widths
  • Pen knifes, scissors
  • Marker Pens with thick tips or whatever tips you have
  • Post-it pads of assorted colours (for quick labelling) 
  • Wet wipes (it will get dusty) 
  • A big pack of tissue paper or a roll of toilet paper 
  • Table cloth or old towels (you can clean up as you unpacked!)
  • A bottle of water (you can drink it when thirsty)
  • A few big black garage bags for quick toss (One for every room to minimise clutters)
  • The list is not exhaustive depending on your habits. 

There you have it! You are now 50% ready to make the big move! 

3 August 2017

Boss from hell: A Bazi perspective on how to stop my boss from hating me?

The short answer is … the higher the bazi compatibility between your boss and yourself, the better the odds of your survival... thumbnail 1 summary

The short answer is … the higher the bazi compatibility between your boss and yourself, the better the odds of your survival working for him. Yes you passionately hated his guts ... and the feelings are  mutual. 

However! Do you wonder about those few people who seem to be able to anticipate the boss’s mood, make him laugh and forgive their most unbelievable careless mistakes while you got kick around for the slightest shit? How did they become the pets and YOU, the pet peeves? 

To be honest usually, these people do not have special skills or per se. Granted the consideration that few may or may not have offer “special” services to be in that position ... However, you do observe that when the tree falls (i.e. the bad boss got transferred out), these previously blue-eyed monkeys will disperse too, right? 

Actually, when one drill down into the individual’s Bazi chart and investigate everyone’s elements objectively, illuminating information often follows. After all, before technology and all that jazz, Bazi analysis was the state of the art, scientific, statistical model for the ancient Chinese civilisation lasted till now. Over 6000 over years old. 

So the Hollywood …. sorry ... White House had been trending the headlines globally ever since the world began to adjust their consciousness around President Donald Trump. Currently, the White House is probably the most "exciting place" to work with one of the highest turnover of staff members amongst its many unusual accolades. 

The latest “victim” was none other than “The Mooch” - Anthony Scaramucci who lasted merely 10 days. As twitter gold had suggested, very bad menses had lasted longer than the mooch. 

According to the news, the new Chief of Staff John Kelly was the one who urged President Trump to squeeze the trigger. After analysing both gentlemen’s bazi, it is quite apparent why the match is not made in heaven.

The Mooch (the subordinate) vs The General (his boss)

Picture credit to world best bazi calculator"
The Mooch is likely a special category birth chart (without birth hour). Based on this, his chart will be the rare - extremely strong Yang Wood. Extreme strong charts are relatively rare in the wild wide world. My estimation so far is i will see 1 in 25 birth charts passing my desk?

Personality wise: Extremely likeable and appreciated to few persons only, bluer than blue cheese. Usually extremely dislike by common folks due to their very obvious oblivion for things, values or beliefs which are seen as common sense to the vast majority. So that is why these people ostracized a lot, they are not team players. They are born as leaders wannabe. They are the happiest when focusing on being the most authentic form of themselves and screw the rest. People of such charts will have potential to do well in unique situations; can be high places but high risk of being one hit wonders. Usually extremely unlucky when unfavourable elements come around and overnight night changes are common and normal in their lifetime as they are quite used to it already. Common folks with these charts have to be aware of other people's thoughts and feelings and prevent yourselves from drastic changes if you can help it.  
  • Favourable elements are Wood and Water. 
  • Dislike Fire, Earth and metal (power element is like a wild card, can swing both ways. Some people branded Power element as the double headed snake). 
  • Later when you see his boss’s chart, you will see that his boss’s elements are at least 90% Fire & Metal. 

Long term luck (10 years influence in chart) 己未: 
The Mooch’s long luck is Earth over Earth. Not favourable. Earth is his money/wife/gfs so his primary concern is money & women.  Perhaps General John Kelly can clearly see/sense the Mooch’s weakness for money from a mile away. As we know, temptations to money and women caused many downfalls in politics since the dawn of time. Yep, if i was Russian, it is not difficult for me to send my hottest lady spies or just throw money his way till it works. The Mooch is not exactly that difficult anyway being the big mouth as he is according to the media reports. 

Short term luck (Year by Year) 

2017 丁fire酉metal:
Fire over metal. Still his unfavourable elements. Primally manifested through his performance and thirst for power as Fire is his intelligence element and metal, his status. This can be tricky for him for sure, he is in the white house and he got to give briefings. Therefore it flips the other way, became negative performance and egotistical to bring on enemies fast. 

2018 戊earth戌earth: Money concerns.
Again, earth over earth next year. Danger to money struggles and women scandals
continue to taint his luck.

The boss - Chief of Staff (General John Kelly) 

Credit to world best bazi calculator"
John Kelly is a straight forward strong Yang Fire element -the Sun element. They will radiate energy like the Sun, wants to be noticed and praised. He is seen as "strict" and "fierce" due to the 2 metal elements in the heavenly branches. He cares about other people's opinions, likes to be admired and secretly wishes he can be more flamboyant. They can be quite self-absorbed and in love with themselves - a Yang Fire quality. There is only one sun in the sky and they are the hottest and shined the brightest. His favourable elements are Earth, Metal and Water (power element - double head snake). His unfavourable elements are Wood and Fire. 

Since the mooch is classified as extremely strong wood … this dynamic between the gentlemen’s birth charts is an instant "hate at first sight." John Kelly simply cannot stand the mooch. Why does the wood element riled John Kelly up? Innately, Bazi is about achieving balance and harmony. When our Bazi is more balanced, we will feel more comfortable while the opposite is true. For John Kelly, the wood element will push his own bazi chart out of balance and so intuitively he rejects the mooch right away. No second chance given and no questions asked. 

Long term luck (10 years influence in chart): 丁亥 中吉
How does good luck work for you? When one is in luck, what you want you will likely get. However the caveat its, human beings can want things which can be bad for them. E.g. smoking, drinking, eating unhealthy food etc. So good luck does not mean people will become smarter though it is likely that one can get what they want really badly. 

In comparison to the Mooch, John Kelly’s long term luck is better and above average lucky category. Therefore it is a piece of cake for him to kick the mooch out using Trump’s hand. 

Short term luck (Year by Year) 

2017 丁fire酉metal: 吉中带小人
In 2017, John Kelly’s luck is above average but it will also bring on competition and inviting back-stabbing from the “little detractors”. 

2018 戊earth戌earth:吉 He wants freedom)
In 2018, John Kelly will be in good luck territory. He will likely to be rebellious and defy Donald Trump though, because earth is his intelligence and action elements. He will perhaps quit in 2018. Another one bites the dust?

Later in the week, I will analyse Part 2 and examine Donald’s team group dynamics. Who has the best luck and whose luck sucks. Stay tuned! 

12 February 2017

2 months into 2017 … Have you discover this about the Fire Rooster year?

The Fire Rooster Year holds great promise as one of the most romantic years ever in recent history.  Image Credit: https://au.fotolia.... thumbnail 1 summary
The Fire Rooster Year holds great promise as one of the most romantic years ever in recent history. 

Image Credit:
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Based on Xuan Kong Flying Star Fengshui, one of the minor romantic stars - 1 White Greedy Wolf is being drawn into to the center of every household. Under the influence of this star, the singles will be turbocharged with the insane feelings of falling in love with someone - can be anyone. Quickly and whimsically within days of meeting someone online, they will be talking about moving in together, checking their finances to qualify for a home loan and fighting over the names of their kids who are not even born yet. 

Ok, that’s a bit of a stretch. But love can be blind, totally insane and illogical according to google. That is why you have come to the right place to read about the romantic 2017 and swear to yourself , never and ever will you be under the control of the super romantic Fengshui crazy star! 

By the way apart from that,  the rooster of 2017 happens to be one of the 4 super Peach Blossom Stars, known to be governing the sensuality, seduction, lust and intense attraction. Often when the rooster year comes around, there will be many instances of sexual scandals too. Though from a good point of view, this star is helpful human harmony and marriage. 

animated-cupid-image-0040This two alignment of the time and space romance energy, we do not get this often. It is as though the greek cupid, the chinese yue lao gong gong and Rati the indian love goddess had decided to ride into town together this year! 

So with both of these stars coming into play, watch out 2017, you can expect more love-at-first-sight to happen!

So we have all heard of the Peach Blossom aka Flower of Romance aka Taohua etc and how it affects our love life, but there is more to it than meets the eye!

Peach Blossom Image credit:

What exactly is a Peach Blossom Star or 桃花 ? 

In Chinese metaphysical context, 桃花 aka Peach Blossom or Flower of Romance star refers to a brief period when a person will experience a sudden surge of interest or admiration from the opposite sex, peers and people in general. It will appear as if the subject is suddenly imbued with charisma and an attractive energy.

It have other meanings too which will be discussed in future. 

Do i have Peach Blossom Star or 桃花 ?

Of course! Everyone will have some kind of 桃花 Peach Blossom luck.

Depending on your birth chart, there are generally 2 categories - 1) “inborn” Peach Blossom Stars and 2) “Floating” Peach Blossom Stars. 

“Inborn” Peach Blossom Stars - 命带桃花 Some people are born with a minimum of one to maximum of four Peach Blossom Stars in their charts. If one is born with favourable Peach Blossom Stars, he or she will enjoy a life full of adoration and affection from surrounding people. Take note that Peach Blossom Stars energy has nothing to do with physical looks. However though, “inborn” Peach Blossom Stars are generally blessed with above average looks and facial features, being more well-groomed than others or they might have some kind of “poetic” quality which inspires strong feelings of desire and passion from others. Many successful movie stars have “inborn” peach blossom stars, clearly displayed in their birthday. 

The most famous case study is Emperor Qian Long in the Qing Dynasty, His Majesty had a “full-house” of romance stars in his birth-chart. In real life, he was famous for being the most “romantic” Emperor during his time with one of the biggest harem of concubines. Emperor Qian Long was also allegedly the favourite “grandson” of his saintly grandfather - Emperor Kang Xi. In fact, some historians theorised that Emperor Kang Xi had preferentially 隔世传位 (bypass generational appointment the royal throne). In order to make his favourite grandson the eventual Emperor, Emperor Kang Xi appointed Qianlong’s father, the next-in-line Emperor Yong Zheng to be his successor. 

Bazi of Emperor Qian Long. All his Taohua stars are activated.
Extreme fortune and prestige.
All his subordinates adored him, consolidating his power position.

“Floating” Peach Blossom Stars - 流年桃花 Referring to people not born with Peach Blossom Stars。 Fret not, all of us will undergo a time period where we “blossom” like a flower. This period can be in terms of one year, a few months, day or hour where our Peach Blossom Stars will come “floating” in, and then they will “float” away. It is more temporary in nature, but it is equally powerful and useful. 

When one’s “floating” peach blossom stars are shinning brightly, it can be very bewildering and powerful. You might suddenly attract interest everywhere. Flirtation from people you had least expected, Uber drivers, postmen, or even married people who are not supposed to flirt! However many of these perceptions of flirtations are harmless, basically people are just suddenly interested in you, what you have to say, what are your thoughts etc during this period of time. Many will also enjoy an elevated busy social life, with invitations coming everywhere. 

So you can imagine how this can be useful for the single people who are looking for partners. However Peach Blossom does not always means opposite sex attractions. It can be immensely useful for career as well, as you will be more pleasing to the eye for the management team or your clients. Many movie stars also make a lot of movies or commercials during their “floating” peach blossom periods. 

How to find my Peach Blossom Star or 桃花 ?

Refer to the chart below. Match your zodiac birth year to your corresponding Peace Blossom Zodiac. You will see that Everyone will have either the Rat, horse, rabbit and rooster as their represented 桃花. The Year star is referred to 本年桃花, loosely translated to your personal year Peach Blossom Star.


If you are born in year of Rat, then in Rooster year (2017), your entire year will be strong with Peach Blossom Year, love is in the air and will take centre stage across many things you do! 

Rooster resided in the West direction. If you will like to boost your Peach Blossom, you can work with some love crystals (rose quartz) at this direction. As it is also a metal element, visiting places strong in metal energy may boost your attraction luck and do wonders for your social life. Metal is an element representing authenticity and purity, be confident and courageous in expressing your true-self to your potential partner this year! 

Why some people seem to elude more sexiness or charisma than others? 

It has something to do with how many such stars resided in your chart and are these stars "activated"

Many people will have at least 2 Peach Blossom Stars available for enhancement. Enhancing these stars have traditionally brought about a positive Peace Blossom Effect to one's social life. 

Any qualified destiny reader can help you identify the presence of other Peach blossoms carried on your other pillars. This is also particularly useful for Fengshui interior plans for residential houses. I have audited a house for a client yearning for romance by especially activating all her Peach Blossom directions in the house and retrospective analysis had indeed seen an increased stream of suitors in her life. 

One thing to take note though, from Chinese metaphysics point of view, too many 桃花 in chart can also mean difficulties in meeting the right one and resulting in a disastrous love life. 

In old classic textbooks, there was a notable case of a famous prostitute with “full house” 桃花 together with the case study of Emperor Qian Long. Due to feudal society values back in those days, men with full house 桃花 are considered favourably as a sign of power and prestige while you know, the ladies are more antagonistically treated. But those times are behind us and gender equality is thankfully trending. 

Bottom line is, too much of a good thing may become a bad thing. 

Do you know, from the position of the Peach Blossom star in your bazi may reveal your propensity for cheating on your partners?

Or even the likelihood of them cheating on you! 

Peach Blossom star have broad applications in life. If actioned upon wisely at the right time, one can achieve fame and success in terms of public relations and recognition. 

But Peach Blossom are afterall related to 色. It has other names e.g. salty pool 咸池 or “in shower” 沐浴. Somewhat carrying connotations of sexuality, nakedness and enjoyment in water. Anecdotal records had shown that that humans feel turned on by water. 


That is also why the Rat water element Peach Blossom Star -  is generally much more sexually linked, scandalous compared to other elements. 

If you are the inborn birth chart types, you can have one to maximum four Peach Blossom star in according to the hour, day, month and year of birthday. From there, we can further categorise based on position of the star of You or your spouse being more likely to cheat if the Peach Blossom Star is the ….

Outer Wall Peach Blossom 墙外桃花 
The Peach Blossom star is born from your hour and day of your birthday. 

Also in general, if the Peach Blossom Star is associated with other attributes such as money and expression, this sort of chart shows more adventurous side and lacking with regards with family and rules.

This has been proven very accurate in my experience, especially when couples show up for readings together for relationship matters and both are showing outer wall peach blossoms in their charts. Indicating likelihood to cheat on each other at least once in their relationships, more likely to be emotionally unfaithful, or emotionally TOO available. Hence it is important to be honest with each other else conflicts will never stop. 

In comparison, the “safer” Peach Blossom Star is the …

Inner Wall Peach Blossom 墙内桃花 
The Peach Blossom star is born from your month and year pillar.  

As month and year pillars are often linked to family life, Peach Blossom Stars here are generally more of a personal charisma or having attractive good looking like movie stars parents. Hence the person is also likely to be a lucky genetic inheritor of good genes and good looks, easier to be popular anyway. 

In addition, if the Peach Blossom Star is associated with other attributes e.g. resources and power. This mean this person may or may not be a flirt but he or she will definitely be more in control and will not break the rules easily. 

How to harness the knowledge of Peach Blossom Star?

If you are single, take note of the time period and suggested places to frequent. Much higher odds to be sociable and meeting Mr to Miss Destiny. 

If you are depressed due to a recent break up, do not be despair as lady peach blossom luck is smiling at you. Now go out and meet new people! 

If you are already married, take note that temptations will grow stronger during this period. Always, always remember Peach Blossom Luck can be only temporary but love is forever. 

If you are a movie star, public speaker or any line of work where you had been sidelined for a while. Peach Blossom star can hopefully boost your confidence and charisma, motivate and encourage you to stay happy and beautiful. 

For more Peach Blossom Star or 桃花 insights or how to enhance your star power,  sign up for a love destiny reading with Master Teri Cheow. 

Alternatively stay tuned for a workshop where Master Teri Cheow will touch on Peach Blossom Star cases and provides insights on:

  • Understand yourself and your potential to love
  • Understanding your partners from Bazi point of view and improve the quality of your relationships
  • Why many breakups are necessary for some birth charts

26 January 2017

2017 Rooster Year Zodiac Wealth Generating Fengshui Directions

So here we are in 2017!  I am writing the same thing as everyone else! The 12 Chinese zodiac animals forecast !  Have you wondered why... thumbnail 1 summary
So here we are in 2017!  I am writing the same thing as everyone else! The 12 Chinese zodiac animals forecast

Have you wondered why the annual forecast can deviate from one famous Feng Shui Master to another? I used to wonder that about myself!

Well, there are actually 60 different zodiacs! Yes really ....

According to the Bazi discipline, there are the 5 elements. 

For example, in the case of Rooster in 2017, the year is 丁酉 which means Fire Rooster (丁 = Fire element 酉 = Metal element). 

However if one is born 12 years ago in 2005, that year would have been 乙酉 a wood rooster 乙 = Wood 酉 = Metal). There are also the water, metal and earth roosters. Hence not all roosters are created equal! 

As there are 5 elements (Wood, fire, earth, metal, water) and 12 zodiac animals so in total, 60 different zodiacs types! Bear that mind as you browse through the interpretations of various famous Fengshui personalities in media and find yourself overly pessimistic or vice versa over certain forecasts. 

Which brings us to the Chinese New Year Topic of today! 

Different elemental zodiac will have different lucky directions in 2017, check out which real direction really, should you be welcoming the wealth energy from! There are a few ways to enhance the Fengshui of your house using your own hands and effort. 

1) Positioning your chair to that particular facing. 

2) Place a lucky cat in your wealth generating sector 

3) Put a coin bank at this sector and feed it with loose change everyday instead of scattering it around the house.  

However do consider this; a more detailed Bazi reading can be more beneficial for individuals as there are also other wealth luck channels which is unique to each birthday. Alternatively specific purposes e.g. academic performance boosting directions or romance enhancement Fengshui work can be planned etc according to the aspirations of the individual. 

The Clever Rat

Out of all, the 1960, 1972 and 1984 rats will have strongest wealth energy. As the prosperous yearly Xuan Kong Flying Stars will also be at the East and South East direction. Enhancing this direction will bring extra one year of prosperity and good luck to you. 

Contact us to customize wealth enhancement solutions to compliment your favorable wealth directions in 2017! 

The Diligent Ox

Out of all, the 1985 Ox will have strongest wealth energy. As the prosperous yearly Xuan Kong Flying Stars will also be residing at South East direction. Enhancing this direction will bring extra one year of prosperity and good luck to you. 

Contact us to customize wealth enhancement solutions to compliment your favorable wealth directions in 2017! 

The Courageous Tiger

Out of all, 1950, 1974, 1998, 2019 Tigers will have strongest wealth energy. As the prosperous yearly Xuan Kong Flying Stars will also be residing at South East & East direction. Enhancing these directions will bring extra one year of prosperity and good luck to you. 

Contact us to customize wealth enhancement solutions to compliment your favorable wealth directions in 2017! 

The Sociable Rabbit

Out of all, 1951, 1975, 2011 Tigers will have strongest wealth energy. As the prosperous yearly Xuan Kong Flying Stars will also be residing at South East & East direction. Enhancing these directions will bring extra one year of prosperity and good luck to you. 

Contact us to customize wealth enhancement solutions to compliment your favorable wealth directions in 2017! 

The Charismatic Dragon

Out of all, 1940, 1952, 1964, 2000 Dragons will have strongest wealth energy. As the prosperous yearly Xuan Kong Flying Stars will also be residing in South East & East direction. Enhancing these directions will bring extra one year of prosperity and good luck to you. 

Contact us to customize wealth enhancement solutions to compliment your favorable wealth directions in 2017! 

The Seductive Snake 

Out of all, 1965 Snake will have strongest wealth energy. As the prosperous yearly Xuan Kong Flying Stars will also be residing in South East & East direction. Enhancing these directions will bring extra one year of prosperity and good luck to you. 

Contact us to customize wealth enhancement solutions to compliment your favorable wealth directions in 2017! 

The Affluent Horse

Out of all, 1954, 1990 Horse will have strongest wealth energy. As the prosperous yearly Xuan Kong Flying Stars will also be residing in South East & East direction. Enhancing these directions will bring extra one year of prosperity and good luck to you. 

Contact us to customize wealth enhancement solutions to compliment your favorable wealth directions in 2017! 

The Wanderer Goat 

Out of all, 1955 Sheep will have strongest wealth energy. As the prosperous yearly Xuan Kong Flying Stars will also be residing in South East & East direction. Enhancing these directions will bring extra one year of prosperity and good luck to you. 

Contact us to customize wealth enhancement solutions to compliment your favorable wealth directions in 2017! 

The Dynamic Monkey 

Out of all, 1980 Monkey will have strongest wealth energy. As the prosperous yearly Xuan Kong Flying Stars will also be residing in South East & East direction. Enhancing these directions will bring extra one year of prosperity and good luck to you. 

Contact us to customize wealth enhancement solutions to compliment your favorable wealth directions in 2017! 

The Pragmatic Rooster 

Out of all, 1945, 1981, 2005 will have strongest wealth energy. As the prosperous yearly Xuan Kong Flying Stars will also be residing in South East & East direction. Enhancing these directions will bring extra one year of prosperity and good luck to you. 

Contact us to customize wealth enhancement solutions to compliment your favorable wealth directions in 2017! 

The Ardent Dog 

Out of all, 1970, 1994 will have strongest wealth energy. As the prosperous yearly Xuan Kong Flying Stars will also be residing in South East & East direction. Enhancing these directions will bring extra one year of prosperity and good luck to you. 

Contact us to customize wealth enhancement solutions to compliment your favorable wealth directions in 2017! 

The Posh Pig 

Out of all, 1971, 1995 will have strongest wealth energy. As the prosperous yearly Xuan Kong Flying Stars will also be residing in South East & East direction. Enhancing these directions will bring extra one year of prosperity and good luck to you. 

Contact us to customize wealth enhancement solutions to compliment your favorable wealth directions in 2017!