Bazi & Feng Shui Stories of Singapore

27 November 2017

House Friendly Simplified Move in Procedures

Preparations - Bring with you the below items House owners / items Prep List: 厨神七宝 “ 柴米油盐酱醋茶 ”   The 7 Treasures of Kitc... thumbnail 1 summary

Preparations - Bring with you the below items
House owners / items Prep List:

  1. 厨神七宝柴米油盐酱醋茶  The 7 Treasures of Kitchen God 
A box of matchsticks 
A pack of rice (cooked or uncooked does not matter)
A bottle of cooking oil
A pack of salt
A bottle of sweet sauce (甜甜蜜蜜 sweetness symbolises happiness, harmony, intimacy)
A bottle of vinegar (white or black does not matter)
A box of tea bags or tea leaves

Optional: Tie red ribbon around the items as red symbolises good luck, good start, positive energy. If you are short of time, you can also paste red dot coding stickers commonly found in stationery shops on the items. The bigger the better. 

2) 磁场能量净化 Energy Cleansing 
A bundle of Sage leaves or Palo Santo wood for energy cleansing. 

Why? To discharge negative energy of house occupants prior to entering new house and also to discharge stagnant energy left behind in the physical space due to prolonged emptiness or previous occupants’ residual energy

3) 旺旺凤梨 A Pineapple 

Why? Pineapple is regarded as a traditional lucky fruit as Chinese Hokkien pronounced it as “Ong Lai (旺来) and used (ancestors praying or simply eaten) in many traditional activities. Rolling it later for the ushering in auspicious wealth energy “Huat” purposes. 

4) 糖果 A pack of candies 

6) Everyone entering the house on the day: Have a red packet ready in pocket with 8 bucks inside. 

7) 阳宅习俗完成 电热水壶 Electric Kettle - Boil first pot of water in new house
Signify completion and assuming ownership of living space

8) 择日入宅 An auspicious day for move in ceremony 
Important: Choose an auspicious day or/and hour for day for move in ceremony 
Why?: A long tradition of Chinese to start right. The beginning of every activity and decision is considered important for the Chinese. The birthday of babies are also regarded as significant. Chinese held the beliefs that a good start will ensure a successful and smoother journey with less obstacles.

On chosen date to perform moving in ceremony
  1. Smudge yourselves and the perimeters of the door prior to stepping into the house
  2. Open the door and “roll” the pineapple into the house from the entrance. Just leave the pineapple there until the ceremony is completed. 
  3. Hand-carry the 7 treasures into the house. Go to the kitchen and lay it out on the counter. Or you can also place it on the floor of the living room.
  4. Open all windows, switch on all the lamps and run the taps for a minute or two. This is to create the new circulation of energy in the house. 
  5. Boil a kettle of water in the kitchen. While waiting for the kettle to boil proceed to next step.
  6. Now you will smudge the interior of the house with remaining sage, frankincense or palo santo. Pay attention to the 4 corners and smudge till the energy is lighter. While smudging, say auspicious things e.g. I am (NameXXX), I give thanks to the abundance energy, i am moving in now. Huat ah! Say all the nice things to yourself. 
  7. After the water is boiled. The ceremony is complete. The infusion of new owner energy is completed. 
  8. You can now close all the windows, switch off all the lights, check that the stove is safely switched off. 
  9. You can remove the pineapple now or the next day. Just throw it away in a bin. 

Things to take note of:

新房入宅禁忌~ On day itself of moving ceremony

1 Cannot go in empty handed. All can bring money in.
2 Do not bring sharp objects in.

3 Do not argue with anyone or scold people or break stuff. 

Fengshui Care Service 3 - Handy Contacts Singapore

Finally, we will like to include some quick links for you in this email which you may find handy .. and short of helping hands! 24... thumbnail 1 summary
Finally, we will like to include some quick links for you in this email which you may find handy .. and short of helping hands!

Fengshui Care Service 2 - 60 secs Good Luck Tips on 开门 First Footing Day!

In addition, you may like to know there are some simple lucky tips which our forebears had observed during moving:   Opening Door ... thumbnail 1 summary
In addition, you may like to know there are some simple lucky tips which our forebears had observed during moving: 

Opening Door - When you had first received your keys and opening door to you new house for the first time, take heed not to bring sharp things with you into new house for the first time. Instead fill your pockets with some money, lucky objects e.g. lucky wealth crystals, Ang Pows, candies etc. This is a good start to signify that the house will always receive abundance and harmony. 

3 knocks on the door before entrance - Some clients do this and I thought it can be justified. Knock on wood is a common practice to neutralise some malevolent outbursts or thoughts, i am sure you have seen people doing it before. Now, most doors are made of wood; 3 in Chinese HeTu numbers is a yang ()  number and a wood element. So when you knock 3 times on the door before entrance, it has a symbolic meaning of neutralising stagnant energies and bringing some vital Yang Chi into your new place. So it depends on various culture, but no harm doing it. 

Do not scold your kids or your spouse in public - No matter how stressful and annoying they are, smile at everyone and new neighbours on moving day. It is like observing Chinese New Year. 

Fengshui Care Service 1 - How to move house like a Pro!

A little planning goes a long way ... Get rid excess clutter: Moving house is a great time to get rid of things you do not ... thumbnail 1 summary

A little planning goes a long way ...

Get rid excess clutter: Moving house is a great time to get rid of things you do not need anymore. Move less stuff in between places is definitely less stressful! A week or two prior to the actual move, it will be wise to categorise your stuff into e.g. 4 piles: SELL OR DONATE. RECYCLE. KEEP. TRASH. Moving less stuff can potnetially save you on mover bills too! 

Start collecting boxes: Of course the movers will provide a certain quantity of boxes which you will need to return pretty soon after utilising those. However it is always good to have a few spare boxes and ready which you do not need to immediately unpack after moving in! 

Label the boxes according to category or room: Have a clear plan. You can choose to label the boxes according to a category or which rooms do the boxes go to at the new place. However, it is good to also get some label stickers to colour code the boxes too. It will make things so much easier! If you have the time, also prepare a rough list of the contents to stick outside of each box prior to sealing it. As during moving, inevitability things will get lost in transition. If you had written the contents down, it can minimise these losses. 

Unpacking - Prepare a bright colour bag of miscellaneous but can potentially save lots of hassle and stress: 

  • Electric tape of assorted colours
  • A few strong sticky clear tape, both wide and small widths
  • Pen knifes, scissors
  • Marker Pens with thick tips or whatever tips you have
  • Post-it pads of assorted colours (for quick labelling) 
  • Wet wipes (it will get dusty) 
  • A big pack of tissue paper or a roll of toilet paper 
  • Table cloth or old towels (you can clean up as you unpacked!)
  • A bottle of water (you can drink it when thirsty)
  • A few big black garage bags for quick toss (One for every room to minimise clutters)
  • The list is not exhaustive depending on your habits. 

There you have it! You are now 50% ready to make the big move!