8 Nov 2019 - 6 Dec 2019
Xuan Kong Year/Month Flying Stars Deductions
Hello Luck Hunters!
Knowing your Fengshui is pertinent to gaining good luck! In Xuan Kong Flying Star Feng Shui, we track the movement of the 7 visible and 2 invisible Stars of the Big Dipper's projection into our time and space .... our 8 directions or sectors to be more precise.
In the month of November, some of the monthly bad stars will take duty and may trigger the yearly bad stars which already is taking residence in our offices, homes and personal spaces.
Fret not, if you find yourself facing these directions. Just shift your facing position to another sector to avoid that sector. If really cannot avoid, practice mindfulness, 忍 and pick your battles wisely.
Check out how the November monthly flying stars may affect you!