Bazi & Feng Shui Stories of Singapore

4 November 2020

Joe Biden odds on winning 2020 Election - Sheng Hua Zhi Ke Approach of Bazi Analysis

Winner Winner Chicken's Dinner Background/Rationale:  Many ways learnt from Teachers, fellow classmates, youtubers etc on Bazi Analysis.... thumbnail 1 summary

Winner Winner Chicken's Dinner

Background/Rationale: Many ways learnt from Teachers, fellow classmates, youtubers etc on Bazi Analysis. Overall 2 common methods: 1) The 强弱 "Qiang Ruo" Method where you Start & End by determining Strong/Weak/Extra Strong/Extra Weak Chart. 2) The  生化制克 "Sheng Hua Zhi Ke" where you interlace various pathways, paying more attention to details and real life world musings. 

One is the commonest method of Bazi reading among its avid practitioners and there is a lesser attempt pathway (more variables to be analysed and a longer route of thinking pathway). Yes the latter is a pathway indeed, which at some point can yield even more choices of which road to go down. Hence less people tend to share their SHZK analysis, being its not easy to explain the why, how, when. 

US Elections. whatever elections for that matter can be extremely difficult to predict with many famous Fengshui masters facepalming after the results come in. 

Hence perhaps the longer route of thinking pathway which can yield more details (warning: also more conflicting signs) and shy away from the "Tong Yi" way of looking at Bazi as only strong, weak, extremely strong, extremely weak is warranted for mega events like elections as opposed to reading the everyday person's bazi. 

The longer route is the Sheng Hua Zhi Ke Approach. I learnt that complicated matters needed sophisticated methods for better yielding. 

One of the SHZK Bazi Analysis pathways for reading:

Joe Biden is 正官格 (Power Chart)Weak Ding Fire 身弱





Pivot Element in his chart is Wu Horse (Year Branch) & Jia Wood (Hour Stem) 

2020 庚子 US Presidential Election - signs of power surge in chart? 

  • Earthly Branch - Pig-Rat-Ox - 地支三会北方水局 (Season of Water)

Secured the ticket to be a Presidential Candidate in 2020 

However Joe is a Weak Chart. Will the surge in power bought by the Season of Water? 

  • Strong Water Power is dangerous if become 7 killings. However his major luck pillar is 己未, which is “activated” due to his own Ox Branch (clash) and Jia Wood Stem (combined). 

The 7 killings if represented by Donald Trump who attacked him vigorously, the major luck pillar 己未 (his 食伤)being “activated” will be able to defend him. 

Though both attributes are weakening him. Need more fire support. 

Is his supporter base very strong? 

  • No. Always weak supporter base. At least relative to his contender. Noting his Wu Horse/fire element in his Year Pillar under siege by surrounding elements. No root and no penetration to the heavenly stems. 
  • BUT! As luck will have it, the Wu Horse can be combined with the Goat in his major luck pillar, becoming Fire element again. So it means new supporters are gained by conversion through more personal interaction or other means e.g. a result due to the other side being a bigger target of dislike and disdain - on ground it looks like the people who do not really support Biden WILL instead vote for Joe Biden, because they dislike the other candidate. 
  • He should focus on courting these voters as they will swing. 
  • Likely swing states will swing to Joe Biden as well with the momentum and the signs in his chart. 

The Bazi of the Day of US Presidential Election is: 

3 Nov 2020 (assumed timing is Dragon Hour where it is a neutral hour with no interference from symbolic stars e.g. nobleman) 


  (Dragon Dog Clash - Earth power strong but unstable) 


Conditions pointed to his supporters are growing more and more. His total vote count will be higher than we think. 

Will he win? 

Which begs the question … can he “borrow” fire? We are only halfway through the cycle of “cold elements”. 

Long term wise: Fire is weak now but getting stronger. Suggest that a future re-election is possible at the end of his term. 

Short term wise: Sometimes the fire can be found in his supporters. 

About his running mate? 

Kamala Harris: 





  • Kamala Harris's Bazi is very suitable as the VP running mate. Half string of Fire (Tiger+dog) and lots of wood which is favourable for Joe Biden.
  • The day of Presidential Election, the elements for 2021, her own 10 years luck pillar all seem to be supporting her power attribute. 
  • She looked more like a President than Joe Biden. Does that mean Joe Biden will not be able to finish his term?
  • Period 9 in 2024,  离 Li Palace timely in a few years time. This palace supports the individual and collective growth of Ladies Forerunners and 2nd born daughters in general. 
  • If what the media says about Biden lack of ability to finish his term, the incoming timing supports the guesstimate that Harris may actually come into some kind of power in very soon future. 

变数:  Looking at the short days ahead, in the following days if some bombshell news happen to Trump on 6th Oct, 11 Oct, 18 Oct, 24 Oct, 25 Oct, 30th Oct, Joe will be able to get more votes to add to overall count.

The pairing is strong. 

Red: Denotes factors in his favour 

So i placed bets on milo peng and small $ with some ex-colleagues. Hopefully I win something. :) 

24 July 2020

How to Overcome Negative Mentality during Covid Business Crisis?

How to overcome negative mentality during business crisis?   Covid has impacted everyone's lives in 2020. With the restrictions of ... thumbnail 1 summary
How to overcome negative mentality during business crisis? 

Covid has impacted everyone's lives in 2020. With the restrictions of human movements around the world, any form of the most normal interactions in the past are now potentially life threatening. 

Most business activities came to a halt. Customers cannot come to us, we cannot go to the customers. Meanwhile, the inventory is gathering dust in the warehouse and the business expenses are mounting up. 

There is very little we can do except to wait at this time. Waiting can be a the worst kind of mental torture, as most business owners are not accustomed to idling for such big pocket of time. 

Naturally our monkey mind quickly become cluttered up as the tsunami waves of negative thoughts flood every brain cell in our heads. 

Wake up bros & sis.

You want to overcome your negative energy, negative mentality and self-pity? Now, the world's favourite tall guy with a rusty throat Tony Robbins nailed it as always. 


This Covid is here to tell you perhaps that its high time to start changing things around! 
Stop putting up with old norms. Life will never be the same again. 

Allow me to make a list for your convenience on how you may overcome the negative mentality during covid business crisis. 
You must make the intention to WANT to Live in a Beautiful State

Start by taking care of yourself.

Working longer hours will not make you more successful

Working pro bono to help someone solve a problem will not bankrupt you. Instead, the act of giving will generate happiness and better luck for you! Trust it!

Be brave enough to define your beautiful state and Live it! 

 “Life is too short to feel like crap”

If someone ever tells you about being assertive. Basically what they wanted you to do, is simply SAYING NO TO PEOPLE. Not in an offensive way. It can be aggressive but not aggressive. There is a slight difference.  If you still can't do it or don't know now. Stay tuned, we might make some courses just for you so that I can also survive the covid thing. :P 

All in all. Don’t be bullied. Don't feel that way. Recognise early that some clients are toxic worthy of your earnings but not your feelings. 

“Raise your standards”

Chasing a particular KOL or account for far too long? 

Fostering a great business partnership is like romance, if it doesn’t work out all this while, it is never meant to be. Move on already. You deserve better! 

"Acknowledge your fear"

I know. I'm probably the most cowardly person i ever known in some situations. But here's what I had learnt to overcome it. 

Infinite Fear exists in the Absence of Purpose & Intention. 

In order not to fear, set your intention and your purpose ASAP

Chronic Stress causes bad health, bad mental state and bad luck too! 

Chronic Stress & negative mindset is a vicious cycle. It affects our health and creates mental issues. 
Negativity usually impact our confidence, self-esteemed and security first.

If life seemed to be in a mess right now. Keep calm and meditate with a blessed chakra crystal. 

Work on transforming your deep state of negativity to a better state of positive energy. 

Believe in Yourself & the Universe

Await the Eureka Moment! Miracles are happening everyday to Tom, Dick and Harry. The divine timing can be in the next 5 mins. 

Just in case you came from Mars or Venus. In the astrology field, crystals are popular supports for purifying one's energy state. So you can try to work with some crystals. Here is the list of our best selling ones. 

Relevant crystal: #Tigerseye. #GreenAventurine. #Citrine. 

Properties: Improve instincts for opportunities. Attracts benefactors and windfall opportunities. Attract mutual win-win situations. Attract other lucky people to work with you.