Bazi & Feng Shui Stories of Singapore

16 May 2016

Heng Swee Keat collapsed due to stroke - Bazi review

Finance Minister Heng Swee Keat is one of the most valuable cabinet ministers of the Republic of Singapore. During the cabinet meeting on ... thumbnail 1 summary
Finance Minister Heng Swee Keat is one of the most valuable cabinet ministers of the Republic of Singapore.

During the cabinet meeting on the 12 May 2016, Minister Heng suddenly collapsed at 5.34pm in front of his shocked fellow PAP ministers and head honcho Prime Minister LHL. Immediately the 3 doctors presented, also high ranking politicians sprung to action and successfully resuscitated him before the ambulance took him for future medical attention in the hospital.

He was appointed to take over the most coveted Finance portfolio from DPM Tharman in Oct 2015, barely less than a year ago.

Let's 八卦 over his 八字 chart on what is happening to his health.

1) First bazi rule for health - The chart must be in harmony, i.e. all 5 elements should be balanced. 

From his birth chart, we can tell Minister Heng is a strong yang earth, in fact earth elements everywhere and with one lone metal 辛 element in year pillar.

His favorable elements are water, metal and wood. Unfavorable elements are fire and earth.

However, do you notice that besides earth and metal, none of the other elements are presented? 

Obviously in this case, this can be taken as an imbalance. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) can also explain it. The 5 elements in bazi also represent our 5 organs in TCM - heart, liver, spleen, lungs, kidneys. Can a body function well with only 2 organs in action and lacking all the rest?

Therefore this already is a big "Caution" warning sign as it signals predestined weakness in the day master's health (owner of chart).  Of course in life, everyone will be sick from time to time. However for the obviously imbalanced, like Minister Heng's, this can mean sudden sickness or premature sickness - it has to do with luck.

Usually when one is very unlucky (influence by the luck pillars and yearly elements) or when progressing into advanced age when the body is less forgiving to external "abuse".

Only with better nutrition and life-style habits will the health be preserved. So take heed, if you ever come across charts with many missing elements. 

2) 戊 戊
   戌 戌 

Hardheaded and strong personality - Double Fai gong (魁罡), tough and natural instinct is to go all the way. 

Minister Heng's chart has a double Fai Gong (魁罡) of Yang Earth over Yang Earth Dog - the type of symbolic star which really works for someone who is working in the military or government organisation.

People with this sort of configuration are mostly fearless, driven, aggressive and strong desire to take on more responsibilities. They are also very tough people, with great stamina and are always the first few ones to take on difficult task, even those which nobody dare or want to take on.

In fact, you do not want to be his enemy or incur his wrath, he will go all the way to engage the opponent till he is satisfied with the outcome. 

For Minister Heng who is a double fai gong, if he does not believe in something, it is difficult to change his mind. With this kind of the focused personality (some say tunnel-vision or one track mind) it can be difficult to change his fundamental belief about a situation.  

Good thing though, he is in politics and politics is really his thing. This is because so his chart is also blessed with many friends, ( canalso competitors in his life) supporters and voters!

3) 伏吟 duplication

This Fai gong star had bought his great fortune and career advancement. However this is also a 伏吟duplication.  Now, many people look upon 伏吟duplication as unfavorable. IMHO, this duplication star is like a "turning life upside down" kind of energy. Depending also if the element is auspicious or not for the day master, it can spell great fortune or great obstacle depending on their environment. Currently since he is a strong Yang Earth day master, the potential to turn his life upside for the bad is more likely.

Interesting there is also another 伏吟 duplication happening. At current age of 54, he is under going the 48 years old luck pillar - 癸巳, which coincided with the month when medical condition happened on 12th May 2016. As such, I will hazard a guess to say that his left brain or the left side of the body will be more impacted. 

Anyway, 癸戊合火, when yin water (in current luck pillar) combines with yang earth heavenly branch (with his birth chart, month and day pillar), fire is formed as the resultant element. During other months, the combination may not be successful in converting in the fire resultant element, but now we are in summer month, so no matter what, the fire energy is going to be strong and lending its fiery hand to aid the transformation. Plus the limited water is now also combined away in his luck pillar, and plus there is no water in his chart because he only had 2 elements - Earth and metal. 

BTW,  strong fire is in his environment (hint: his boss PM Lee is a Yang Fire Element too). 

4) Risk of cell mutation in Goat years or luck pillars. 

The earth penalty formation - Ox, goat, dog. During goat years, it is more likely for him to get some kind growth or worsening stomach problem. Therefore it is also important to be vigilant during the goat luck periods. Take more super anti-oxidant foods to defray the risk of cell mutations, or issues with digestive system. 

5) Traveling Horse - Monkey 

Is this year your traveling horse year? 

Traveling horse is a restless energy, often causing disruptions to normal plans. This year is the fire monkey year - everyone who are born in the monkey year, month, day or hour will experience more disruption than usual in 2016.

If you are the above, do you notice how this year, there are many disruptions to normal plans? For Minister Heng, it was reported in the papers that he was "overloaded", already have no time to eat, sleep and rest. Well the monkey year happens to be the traveling horse for Minister Heng, so there is a strong disruption energy coming him to basically, throw him off the course, delay and blocking him from doing the many things he is supposed to be doing.

Actually when traveling horse star comes into play, the person should go traveling more often. No point planning all the work in sequence. One cannot find it but be disrupted. Anyway, for the traveling horse year, it is good to travel to relieve stress, since traveling energy means one must be up and about! So go on! Go to new places, meet new people, be patient with last minute changes. The traveling star is there for a reason. 

6) Totality and result:

On the day of his stroke, it was a very fiery day with strong fire elements forming everywhere and hints of water dysfunctionality everywhere e.g. - 申 (2016) 巳 (his luck pillar) 合水, because in Summer season, water is by nature weaker. So to me, this is a 相.

Imagine a forest fire, firefighters arrived on scene but they do not have water to put it out. So end up, the earth (day master - himself) is going to get burnt and charred.

For Minister Heng, there is also the similar 相 in his chart - 丙辛合水. The elements are trying to form water, but unable to transform successfully because it is the summer season. 

In TCM Fire element, represents the heart, the blood circulation. So it makes sensce that his blood circulation will be under threat during this summer season, learning from his chart, one should balance the harmony of body with "cool" food types, do not exercise intensively, if really must exercise than less outdoors and more indoors, it is best to keep the body cool and not so excitable. 

In Minister Heng's case, the configuration of his chart is an extreme one, hence he can also have extraordinary success in his life. While an extreme chart can be very useful for one's career, one must also take note that it also means the body can be prone to sickness. Even more obvious when our body gets older.

When one is young, body and vitality is strong and hence the person can go on prolonged periods of "abuse" without running into problems. However when the person gets old, the body's self-repair mechnism is no longer so efficient, therefore for people with such extreme chart, all the more they have to self-regulate their lifestyle - mind, body and spirit.

Also, don't always be angry. Om mani padme hum.

 Feng shui to improve quality of life.

For Minister Heng, for better Feng Shui he can adjust his bed to have the back of his feet "facing" the North direction - where water energy originate. It is also good to wear black colour crystals bracelet to improve the "water energy" in his environment. Obsidian crystals and Tibetan beads comes to mind. 

It is also beneficial to adjust his rehabilitation environment with relaxing water sounds (water fountains) and include more fish into diets.

Place 6 emperor coins and metal wind chime at the NE position and also the centre of his house will reduce the 2-black sickness and 5-yellow misfortune star effect. As he is a strong Yang Earth element, it is good to avoid wearing red and yellow color. Good colors for him are white (no wonder PAP is good for him) and black. 

Looking at the months ahead, as long as the summer energy is still strong (we are in snake month now, horse month next and goat month last, before the official end of summer season), it is unfavorable for his health. So we should be getting more positive news on his health about 2.5 months to 3 months later in autumn season.

I wish Minister Heng speedy recovery and better health ahead. 

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